Con Manos de Mujer

The “Con Manos de Mujer” code aims to create production systems whose main working base is based on “Gender Equity“, as well as providing new alternatives to women to improve quality conditions in social and therefore economic, productive areas. and environmental for all the people involved in the production chain.
The code “With Hands Of Woman” is a seal that establishes the standards for the social and productive part in the different crops and agricultural, processed, artisanal products, etc.
Seeks at all times the creation of production systems based on the implementation of “Gender Equity” policies and practices, recognizing their commitment and the sacrifice of women.
Technical assumption
Agriculture remains critically important in most non-industrial economies due to its substantial contribution to the country’s export earnings, employment, and livelihoods. Official statistics underestimate the value of women’s work and its overall contribution to national wealth. Women continue to provide much of the agricultural workforce.
FAO estimates show that women represent a substantial proportion of the agricultural workforce, as food producers or agricultural workers, and that about two-thirds of the female workforce in developing countries is involved in agricultural work. Active population (EAP) in the agricultural sector decreased in the 1990s, during the same period the female EAP remained around 50% until 2000, with an even higher percentage in the 1990s. developing countries (61%) and least developed countries (79%). Furthermore, although FAO projections up to 2010 point to a steady global decline in women’s EAP in agriculture, it is expected to remain above 70% in less developed countries. In the agricultural sector as in many other productive areas, women’s work is not formally or legally recognized, it is not valued or compensated in the same way; much less is the work of social reproduction recognized or appreciated
Objectives of the code “Con Manos de Mujer”
The “Con Manos de Mujer” code was born thinking of the thousands of women who, like workers of the opposite sex, contribute to generating economic sustenance for their families.
The code is that it is a certification seal that it seeks to
- recognize as producers all those women, with or without farm, with or without property title, wives or heads of household, who contribute to the economy;
- recognize the respect and dignity they deserve;
- create production systems whose main working base is based on “Gender Equity”;
- provide new alternatives to improve quality conditions in social and therefore economic, productive and environmental areas for all the people involved in the production chain.
Principles of the Code “Con Manos de Mujer”
- The basic code based on simple but well-defined principles that Panarese Group fully supports;
- That companies, organizations, cooperatives / groups of producers, processors, among others, develop production systems based on gender equality and what is better if it is the ISO 26,000 standard;
- That all women producers, processors, artisans or who in one way or another are involved in a production process, implement practices to maintain the quality of their products, with social and environmental responsibility and economic transparency;
- That the production system that applies to certification under the “Con Manos de Mujer” program, provide decent living and working conditions for employees, their families and their collaborators;